
这次装好了SLED,一直没有装stardict,今天要翻译文档,才想起来。于是去sourceforge下载了stardict-2.4.8来编译,然后再点击该页下面的Dictionary files,发现下载字典都要收费了!下载页面的说明如下:

If you like StarDict, you can consider to upgrade to level 1 user, this will help StarDict develop further.
Upgrade to level 1 user can get better service when using StarDict too.

Normal registered user have these limits when using StarDict:
1.Can only choose 8 dictionaries.
2.Can't use some advance dictionaries.
3.Can't use collate function.
4.The usage of query, pattern match, fuzzy search, full-text search are limited.
You can only query for 50 times in one hour, use pattern match and fuzzy search for 5 times each in one hour, and 3 times for full-text search.

而所谓的Normal  registered是没有权限下载我以前所常用的牛津,郎道字典的……至少需要level 1 user,资费是5美元……user共分5个等级,具体的资费见<a href="" target="_blank">这里</a>。从99bill.com的连接来看,收费的正是stardict的作者---胡正!


Book Name: 简明英汉词典
Word Count: 457542
Synonym count: 1
Author: 金山软件股份公司
Description: 破解,胡正制作。
Date: >2006.6.4
Email: i at onepx dot com || QQ: ⑧九零三④幺 || 微信: onepxcom
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